“Before we started working together, I was getting really frustrated with my business. I felt like I was trying everything and having no results and not getting any traction.”
The fear, whenever I spend a big chunk of money, is “Oh my god, what if it doesn't work? And what if I just spent a lot of money and it makes no difference at all? Will this work? Will this not work? But you take the jump, and you decide to invest in yourself. I've learned to change my mindset over the years of not so much spending, but more investing in ourselves as women.
What's shifted more than anything is my personal mindset about my ability, what I'm out to accomplish, and a larger vision. And it started to manifest itself in being willing to spend money to set the stage and build the systems and the fundamentals.
I think one thing that has really come clear in retrospect is that the investment that I've made over the last year it's even more valuable than the investment in a graduate degree. As an MBA, because it's like a graduate degree from the ground up but with personal coaching at every step along the way. Not only am I getting the learning, but I'm also doing the work on the ground. And it's not just theoretical learning. —Rikki Quintana, Founder of

“In just 18 months I have been able to save $4,500 into my wealth account!”
A big-money shift I have had is that it’s not as scary as I thought. I don’t have to worry so much about it, instead, I feel more empowered. I now see money more like my friend. In just 18 months I have been able to save $4,500 into my wealth account! –Val Romero, Founder of Women Make a Difference

“My business improved over 60% the first year I worked with her.”
Tania put structure into my schedule and made things easier to tell some people yes and others no. Here is a telling number - my business improved over 60% the first year I worked with her. That is hard number sales. I think that is telling in itself. I am by no means where I want to be but Tania gave me a great road map to follow. With what she laid out for me, I got organized, I got structure, I got pushed and that led to success.— Georgette Lombardo

“I know now that money has my back, it’s my friend and it’s ok to spend it.”
I am proud of how I have faced my insecurities with money and have been able to shift my relationship with it.
I have learned that if you focus on money and treat it well and be grateful and appreciative of it then it will come in greater abundance.
I know now that money has my back, it’s my friend and it’s ok to spend it. After working with Tania my inner voice is not second-guessing my spending, I have a new sense of inner calm and trust in relation to money. I am more intentional with my relationship with money.
I know that money is my friend. I am more thoughtful and organized with where and how I keep my money. I am allowing myself to be paid first.
I am less fearful and I am more playful with it. – Zia Cross, Legal Shield Representative

“I ended up receiving $17,000 in investments for my food company”
Since going through your money programs I’ve gained so many different things with money:
Our store sales went up 30% immediately after the introduction of the new package, with no demos or promotion.
I went to see property not far from Santa Fe after attending one of Tania’s events and we made $25,000 on flipping it. Being in the weekend event made me believe in this possibility. If I hadn't gone to see that property, we *might* have made $5000 on it if we were lucky. But everything changed for the better just from the energy of the event. In another event of Tania’s I attended, I ended up receiving $17,000 in investments for my food company as a direct result of being there. IN FACT, $11,000 of it was committed on the spot. THAT was pretty incredible.
Working with Tania brings you into a magical, magnanimous, magnificent mood with money. — Lisa Longnecker, Founder of Prana Foods

"It made me really learn how best to run my business according to my best potential (…) It became a line item on my budget.”
Your coaching really helped me focus and develop a plan that I could work with that demanded action. It also made me really loo6 It made me really learn how best to run my business according to my best potential.
The coaching conversations about finding my inner strength, going to my will, and using my own resources, that was essential.
I've always believed in education and have been involved in book education, degrees, degrees, but I've never really invested in myself. Doing this work with you made a huge difference.
It became a line item on my budget. It was probably the best money I ever spent. I really mean that. I think that these large business schools that have these entrepreneurial programs that don't delve deep is just a disservice not to offer this, because your work is empowering and revitalizing.- Trish Stephens

“A big deal for me with the class is the exposure to self-love, recognition, and valuing myself”
The biggest quantifiable outcome has been that the guidance through the beginning of the pandemic has resulted in $6200 for me (IEDL and PPP loam), $8000 for my brother, $3000 for a colleague. The other gains have been noticing how I structure my life as a barrier to my business success. It shows me pretty clearly that other things are more important (my home space & gardens, etc).
I have noticed some deep emotional patterns that will take a little more time to work through — especially the martyr mindset where I sacrifice for others and lay waste to myself. So, a big deal for me with the class is the exposure to self-love, recognition, and valuing myself, and exploring notions that having abundance can come in many forms. And that it’s okay for me to have resources.- Pamela Greg Flax