As we approach the year's end, I want to express gratitude for your presence in our community at "The Courage To Be."
Your participation has been integral to our growth!
No matter where you’re at as we wrap up the year, know you’re an important part of this community. I’ve loved being there to support you and I can’t wait to dive in again next year.
Today is the start of our Team The Courage To Be holiday break.
We will not be sending any emails or being in contact until Wednesday January 3rd.
Between now and the beginning of 2024, let's collectively embrace the season of winter as a time for introspection. I am here, right now to grant you Permission to do whatever you want this holiday!
I Invite you to disregard the external pressures of New Year's resolutions and recognize this period as an invitation to turn inward, to day dream, to relax, or to connect with family and friends if that’s what you’re looking for. Ultimately give yourself permission to be, do or have whatever it is that your spirit is longing for.
Follow our example at Team The Courage To Be and take some time off during this season. Allow yourself to rest and reflect without feeling obligated to start or improve anything.
Winter is a season for rejuvenation, aligning with the cycles of nature.
Thank you for being part of our community.
Wishing you a restful winter break, peaceful reflections, and a harmonious entry into the new year!
To your success and abundance!
PS: Our podcast will still air one more episode next Thursday December the 28th.
Feel free to listen and get inspired if that’s what you’d like to do. You can go through all our episodes by clicking here and listening on your favorite platform
