In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the rhythm of constant movement—always doing, always pushing forward, always striving for the next goal. The modern world seems to reward this relentless drive, yet, in the midst of all this doing, we often lose sight of a fundamental truth: the universe is always speaking to us, but we can only hear it when we slow down and create space for quietness.
This summer, I've found myself in a whirlwind of activity—teaching my clients, taking my daughter to camp each day, and preparing for the launch of one of our clients new podcast. Even as I balanced all these roles—wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and businesswoman—I reached a point of exhaustion. I realized that while I was so adept at holding space for others, I had neglected to hold space for myself.
In the quiet of early morning, I began to reclaim that space. I started going on morning walks, embracing the stillness of the world before it fully awakens. These walks became my sanctuary, a form of moving meditation where I could let my mind wander freely, unburdened by the demands of the day. It was in these moments of silence that I began to receive messages from the universe, clear and resonant, guiding me back to what truly matters.
The message that echoed through my mind this week was simple yet profound: the heart. Over and over, the heart. It was a call to remember the importance of love—specifically, self-love. The universe was urging me to carve out time for myself, to nurture and care for my own spirit as diligently as I care for others. It was a reminder that in order to be the best version of ourselves for those we love, we must first fill our own cup.
This message of the heart was not just for me. I’ve noticed similar experiences among my clients—messages from the universe manifesting in different forms. For some, it's been the repeated appearance of yellow Jeeps. Each client has interpreted this symbol differently, finding personal meaning in its frequent appearance. This repetition is a tool the universe uses, a way to capture our attention and urge us to look deeper.
But what does it mean when we receive these messages? And how do we know that they are indeed messages from the universe, rather than random occurrences or figments of our imagination?
The universe communicates with us in countless ways—through nature, symbols, patterns, and even through our emotions. But to hear these messages, we must first be open to receiving them. This openness comes from a place of stillness, from creating moments in our day where we are not distracted by the noise of life. In those quiet spaces, we allow ourselves to tune in to the subtle whispers of the universe.
When we notice something repeatedly showing up in our lives—whether it's a word, a symbol, or a feeling—it’s worth paying attention. The universe often speaks in patterns and repetition, urging us to reflect on the meaning behind these occurrences. What meaning do we give to the messages we receive? How do they resonate with our current state of being or the challenges we are facing?
For me, the heart was a reminder to prioritize self-love, to carve out time for solitude and reflection. For my clients, the yellow Jeeps held different meanings, each unique to their personal journey. The common thread, however, is that the universe is always communicating with us, guiding us toward the insights we need to grow and evolve.
Yet, these messages are not always easy to interpret. They often require us to delve deep within ourselves, to confront truths we may have been avoiding, or to embrace changes we’ve been resisting. This is where the teachings of the universe come into play. The lessons embedded in these messages are meant to help us realign with our true selves, to steer us back on course when we’ve wandered off our path.
One of the key lessons the universe often imparts is the importance of slowing down. In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the need for rest and reflection. But just as our bodies require sleep to function optimally, our minds and spirits need periods of quietness to process, heal, and grow. When we allow ourselves these moments of stillness, we create a fertile ground for the messages of the universe to take root and flourish.
Another lesson is the power of intention. The universe responds to the energy we put out, to the thoughts and emotions we harbor. When we set an intention—whether it’s to seek guidance, to manifest a desire, or to cultivate inner peace—the universe responds in kind. This is why it’s so important to be mindful of the intentions we set, to ensure that they are aligned with our highest good.
Lastly, the universe teaches us the value of trust. Trust in the process, trust in the timing, and trust in ourselves. Sometimes, the messages we receive may not make immediate sense, or they may guide us in a direction that feels uncomfortable or uncertain. But if we trust in the wisdom of the universe and in our own inner knowing, we can navigate these moments with grace and confidence.
As I continue my morning walks, embracing the quiet and listening for the messages the universe has for me, I am reminded of the importance of these teachings. They ground me, center me, and help me navigate the complexities of life with a sense of purpose and clarity.
So, I ask you, what messages have you been receiving from the universe? What do they mean to you? And most importantly, are you making time for the quietness necessary to truly hear them? The universe is always speaking—are you listening?
To your success and abundance!